Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20 — Psalm 103

God is love

Of David.

Bless Yahweh, my soul,
bless His holy name, all that is in me!
Bless Yahweh, my soul,
and remember all His kindnesses:

in forgiving all your offenses,
in curing all your diseases,
in redeeming your life from the Pit,
in crowning you with love and tenderness,
in filling your years with prosperity,
in renewing your youth like an eagle's.

Yahweh, who does what is right,
is always on the side of the oppressed;
He revealed His intentions to Moses,
His prowess to the sons of Israel.

Yahweh is tender and compassionate,
slow to anger, most loving;
His indignation does not last for ever,
His resentment exists a short time only;
He never treats us, never punishes us,
as our guilt and our sins deserve.

No less than the height of heaven over earth
is the greatness of His love for those who fear Him;
He takes our sins farther away
than the east is from the west.

As tenderly as a fther treats his children,
so Yahweh treats those who fear Him;
He knows what we are made of,
He remembers we are dust.

Man lasts no longer than grass,
no longer than a wild flower he lives,
one gust of wind, and he is gone,
never to be seen there again;

yet Yahweh's love for those who fear Him
lasts from all eternity and for ever,
like His goodness to their children's children,
so long as they keep His covenant
and remember to obey His precepts.

Yahweh has fixed His throne in the heavens,
His empire is over all.
Bless Yahweh, all His angels,
heroes mighty to enforce His word,
attentive to His word of command.

Bless Yahweh, all His armies,
servants to enforce His will.
Bless Yahweh, all His creatures
in every part of His empire!

Bless Yahweh, my soul.

Next… Psalm 104

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