Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16 — Psalm 84

Pilgrimage song

For the choirmaster, upon the gittit, of the sons of Korach, psalm.

How I love Your palace,
Yahweh Sabaoth!
How my soul yearns and pines
for Yahweh's courts!
My heart and my flesh sing for joy
to the living God.

The sparrow has found its home at last,
the swallow a nest for its young,
Your altars, Yahweh Sabaoth,
my King and my God.

Happy those who live in Your house
and can praise You all day long, selah,
and happy the pilgrims inspired by You
with courage to make the Ascents!

As they go through the Valley of the Weeper,
they make it a place of springs,
clothed in blessings by early rains.
Thence they make their way from height to height,
soon to be seen before God on Zion.

Yahweh Sabaoth, hear my prayer,
listen, God of Jacob, selah.
God, our shield, now look on us
and be kind to Your anointed.

A single day in Your courts
is worth more than a thousand elsewhere;
merely to stand on the steps of God's house
is better than living with the wicked.

For God is battlement and shield,
conferring grace and glory;
Yahweh withholds nothing good
from those who walk without blame.

Yahweh Sabaoth,
happy the man who puts his trust in You!

Next… Psalm 85

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