Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 — Psalm 5

Morning prayer

For the choirmaster, for flutes, psalm of David.

Yahweh, let my thoughts come to Your ears,
spare a thought for my sighs.
Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God!

I say this prayer to You, Yahweh,
for at daybreak You listen for my voice;
and at dawn I hold myself in readiness for You,
I watch for You.

You are not a God who is pleased with wickedness,
You have no room for the wicked;
boasters collapse
under Your scrutiny.

You hate all evil men,
liars You destroy;
murderers and frauds
Yahweh detests.

But I, so great is Your love,
may come to Your house,
and before Your holy Temple bow down
in reverence to You.

Yahweh, lead me in the path of Your righteousness,
for there are men lying in wait for me;
make Your way plain before me.

Not a word from their lips can be trusted,
deep within them lies ruin,
their throats are yawning graves;
they make their tongues so smooth!

Pronounce them guilty, God,
make their intrigues their own downfall!
Hound them for their countless crimes,
since they have rebelled against You.

But joy for all who take shelter in You,
endless shouts of joy!
Since You protect them, they exult in You,
those who love Your name.

It is You who bless the virtuous man, Yahweh;
Your favor is like a shield covering him.

Next… Psalm 6

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